Our story
De filosofie achter “Project NEST”

Why the name?
We believe that every event in life is like a project, it overcomes you, you just fly in to it or it is a part of life. Anyhow you have to deal with, manage it, and to make the best of it with all the resources you have. Why Nest? It is the place from the beginning of your life, the most important part, where you are the most vulnerable and fragile. It is a warm and safe place, a place which everybody knows and recognize. It’s very close and familiar place, it is your home…
Why the color?
Nest has three colours: red, blue and yellow. These are the three primary colours, with which you can make any colour you want. These are the basic fundaments for all the colours. In other words, with 3 basic elements you can create anything. It is the proof you do not need a lot to create magic. That is also the philosophy of Nest, with just little things you can make great achievements, as long you can make the right mix and matches.

Why the logo?
The logo of our foundation is a nest in a lotus flower. The Lotus flower has a very deep spiritual meaning and symbolize: purity and creation. The Lotus flower is the only flower which despite it grows in and around mud, it never get dirty itself. It is always clean and pure. That symbolize our foundation. Our goals has to be and stay pure.

Our mission: is to empower people who live in heavily poverty in remote areas as well orphans without any future.
Target group: This group doesn’t have anything. They barely have food, no clean drinking water, no proper house or enough cloths to protect themselves.
If they get ill, medical care is too far. Because lack of knowledge and education, they cannot create any facility or possibility to escape from poverty and take care of them self and their family.
To avoid: We want to avoid giving money continuously and/or resources endlessly. People will become dependent on us and lose their creativity. With the facilities for awareness, medical care, skills and protection, we can empower them.

Natural disasters

Civil Wars

Lack of education

Lack of awereness
They are struggling with their health and because usually they cannot afford to go to a hospital, they get more ill and just die.

It is not much, but if everybody who gives €1 also ask people in their surrounding to donate, those little amounts together will create magic!



Facilities and goods
We are also looking support on storage and transportation of the goods to the villages.